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Samford Royal Estates is a multi-stage new land estate located just outside of Brisbane. With many lots already completed, and more still to be released, Samford Royal Estates is an established development in the area. Lots range in size from 1 – 2.5 acres, and all have town water, making it the only town water acreage estate in Samford. Prices start at $685,000.
Samford Royal Estates is just 20 kilometres from Brisbane CBD, and just over two kilometres from Samford Village, a picturesque village with various shops, cafes and supermarkets. There is also a newsagency and medical centre.
The best part is that Samford Royal Estates will never be overdeveloped. Only half of the available land will be developed into residential estates, the balance is reserved by the local authority for recreational purposes, including sporting amenities and open space, bike paths, horse trails and equestrian grounds, camping grounds, tennis and netball courts, soccer and rugby fields, amphitheatre and parking space.
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